Morocco Algeria Libya Tunisia Egypt

* This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.

** Cooperation with Syria is temporarily suspended until further notice from the European Commission.


Programme scope

In 10 countries of the South Med region, the MED MSMEs Programme aims at fostering the policy dialogue organised around the following five result areas:

A better adaptation of selected aspects of MSME development policies and regulations to the needs of MSMEs.

The promotion of the administrative simplification and regulatory impact assessment as an element of MSME policy making. .

An improved adaptation of selected aspects of finance policies and instruments, notably concerning alternative financial mechanisms, to MSME needs.

An increased awareness of MSMEs financial instruments and tools available to relevant representatives and stakeholders, through a regional platform which enhances South-South dialogue.

A raised awareness and effectiveness of the EU Initiative for Financial Inclusion (EUIFI) and support provided under the MED MSMEs Programme.

The MED MSMEs Programme leverages, and adds value to, other bilateral or donor interventions. Its main intervention mode for promoting better economic governance is through action-oriented policy dialogue, while the intervention level focuses on the macro or policy level.

The programme’s methodology focuses on addressing four selected Small Business Act dimensions, namely MSME internationalisation and access to finance while women entrepreneurship and the institutional and regulatory framework areas of intervention are mainstreamed in a cross-cutting approach.


